Facebook Ad Account Audit for E-commerce
Download the FREE Guide Now! CONTENT OF THIS GUIDE This document lists 45 checkpoints to perform on your Facebook ad account to improve your performance. Find improvement point in 4 main categories: Configuration & Security Check the correct configuration of your ad account (pixel, API, domain, security).2 Structure, Budget and Targeting Is your account structure good?…
Top KPIs to Track for Facebook Ads in 2024 and why
Many businesses and brands are using different social media platforms, but Facebook stands out as the leader in social media marketing. Facebook’s Insights tool provides valuable information about your posts, ads, campaign tracking, and audience demographics, surpassing what other platforms offer. Understanding the key performance indicators (KPIs) for Facebook ads is vital for your business’s…
Prompt e-commerce: your complete guide to transforming online sales
Comprendre l'évolution du e-commerce moderne L'achat en ligne s'est profondément ancré dans nos habitudes ces dernières années. Les consommateurs recherchent désormais des expériences d'achat plus simples et personnalisées. Le "prompt e-commerce" répond à ce besoin en rendant les interactions plus naturelles et immédiates lors des achats en ligne. L'impact des prompts sur l'engagement client Les…